Sending in our immigration forms and sending documents to get Sealed at the embassy has drained the money we raised so far and then some. We needed to start another fundraiser. We started to design a t-shirt we could sale. We looked and looked at t-shirt designs online. We liked a few and ended up using part of one and adding our own touch to it. The problem is until you are officially locked in you are not allowed to share your child’s name or picture on social media or any other forms on the internet. We have talked about her to our friends and shown pictures to our family but kept her identity on the down low. Well this week after we decided on a shirt and knowing that it has her name on it. I emailed the waiting child department to see when we could share her name since our home study is officially approved. She emailed me back pretty quickly to say we were free to share as much as we wanted to now. The timing is great, we can advertise our shirts and introduce our daughter at the same time.

It’s my pleasure to introduce the newest member of our family, Wēi Wēi. You pronounce her name Way Way. She is a beautiful 9 year old girl that we can’t wait to meet face to face. Our love for her is hard to explain. We have only seen pictures and a few short videos but it is like we have loved her, her whole life. It is like when Shelly was pregnant with our other kids. We didn’t have to learn to love them, it was just love that showed up in our hearts naturally. It is going to be hard when we meet her to give her the space and time needed to adapt to us, two strangers who are taking her to a strange place. We are going to want to squeeze her and hold her like she had been missing from us for 9 years.
If you would like to buy a shirt or just donate to our cause we would very much appreciate it. Your prayers are coveted more than anything else. Pray she will stay safe in China, that her nannies will not catch the corona virus, that God will some how prepare her heart for the difficult transition from orphanage life to living with strangers who don’t speak the same language she does. That we can show patiences and love like our Heavenly Father shows us all. Thanks you to those who have already donated and purchased shirts. We love the fact that you are willing to help us bring our little girl home.
We have several ways to donate listed below.
If you would like a shirt they are $20. We will need your size also.
Go Fund Me: