Dossier Is Done

On December 27, 2019 we turned in our application to start our adoption. By the middle of January our application had been accepted and the chase to gather document after document was on. We made good head way gathering documents and working on our home study until Covid shut down our process when we got to the immigration approval process. It was held us up for months but things finally moved again. All documents got Sealed, translated into Chinese and yesterday got mailed to China. Thank goodness that part is over. Now what? Well, we hopefully will hear from the CCCWA in China in about a week that they have received our Dossier. Then under normal circumstances it take 1-2 months for them to approve everything and say Wei Wei will be our daughter to come get her and officially adopt her in country. Times are not normal so we may still hear from them in that time frame and say we are approved but until China opens its borders to the USA we will not be able to travel.

I heard this morning that we should be like baby birds with our mouths open, waiting with anticipation of the food that will be dropped in our mouths. We ask God for something we should expect Him to deliver. We should prepare ourselves for what we have asked. Baby birds don’t need there mouths to be pried opened to receive the worm. They chirp and call out and then open there mouths in preparation to receive what they asked for. I have asked God to put us in China by December 23 and I am going to continue to prepare for Him to answer my prayers.