Hearing from a love one is always a good thing but hearing from a loved one you haven’t spoken to in a while is even more spectacular. I was thinking about this the other night when I heard Shelly talking on the phone. After a few minutes of paying attention to what she was saying I realized she was talking to our newlywed daughter Katelynn. I heard them talk and laugh about different things and finally I was handed the phone and got to hear her voice myself. I didn’t realize how much I missed her until I started talking with her. It was just small talk but it made me feel good to hear her voice.
On Aug 25th CCAI sent us an email about Wei Wei from the orphanage in China. It had two adorable pictures of her, a video, and several drawings she had colored. This video was a back and forth between one of her nannies and Wei Wei about things she wanted to ask us. Wei Wei was all smiles and told us that she loved us, mama and baba. That she missed us and wanted to be able to eat as a family, go to school and play. She also sang a short song about a dog and his bone. I watched her video at least 30 times before going to bed that night. Every time looking at a different aspects, her voice, her facial expressions and her body language. I wonder what she is thinking and how she really feels about being adopted. I know one day far in the future after we all are able to communicate easily that we will watch these videos with her and maybe hear about her perspective and feelings.
We hope to make our own short video soon and send it to her. Maybe a quick tour of the house, showing off her bedroom and quick view of the yard. Our hearts long to hold her tight and spoil her as if we were her grandparents instead of her parents.
I have plenty to smile about. My oldest daughter is happy and is coming home to visit with us this Labor Day weekend. My son Kyle comes in every evening to tell us goodnight and give us our goodnight hugs. My newest princess is in good spirits and every day that passes gets us that much closer to bringing her home. My Lovie, Shelly, is always by my side to encourage, lift me up and be my better half. I love my family and I am blessed by God through them and even more through His son Jesus who is my Savior.