I want to take a minute to say thank you to my sister Kim. She has been so excited about Wei Wei ever since we told her about her. She has been our head cheerleader. She is always telling us how excited she is and proud of us, she is. She has spent weeks working on a yard sale to benefit our adoption. Hauling items from north GA to Chattanooga for days to get it all to her house so she could have this yard sale. Selling items on line and notifying us of every sale with a notice that we are getting closer and closer to our goal. We went up to help her on Saturday. She had her garage, her yard and her screened porch full of items. Everything marked, cleaned and ready to go to a new owner. Every time someone got out of there car she was all smiles and welcoming them in and sharing why we were having this sale and how all the money went toward our adoption. When the haggling over the price was too crazy she would just say well this is for a good cause and we cant take anything less. In between customers Kim and my mom would be in the street line dancing, just having a good time thinking about how we would have a new member of the family soon.
Kim is also the one that brought the idea to start flocking peoples yards with flamingos to us. Flocking is were some one sponsors us to put up to 50 Pink Flamingos in a friends yard for 24 hours and challenges them to pass it on to another friend. She purchased them and had all 50 in her yard that morning of the yard sale. When I saw them that morning as I pulled up to her house the doubts of this idea started to fade. It was really cool seeing them in the yard and thinking how people would be interested in sharing this joy with others while benefiting a good cause at the same time. It was not long after posting about the flamingos we had 3 yards to do. It has progressed since we started and we have 10 flockings either done or on the schedule and we are just 5 days into this fundraiser. We have had a great time doing this and going live on Facebook when finished and announcing who has been flocked and the sponsor of the flocking. Shelly says I am enjoying using the word flocking way too much.
I can tell you this I love my sister and already knew she loved me but I didn’t know she loved us this much. She has worked tirelessly for us the past months. Kim and my mom have big plans for a Line Dancing event in August also to try to push us across the finish line of our fund raising goal. I have not ever been worried about the money needed because I know God has lead us to adopt. I have just had it in my mind that He will bring us the money when we need it and if He wanted us to pay for it all then He would arrange that also with our finances. Shelly and I have been amazed by the love expressed to us through shirt sales, yard sales, flamingos, drawings and just money given to us directly. We have crossed the two thirds mark of the money needed to fund the adoption of Wei Wei and thank you all for everything you have done so far.
Please keep us and Wei Wei in your prayers. I know the challenges of adoption will come after she is here. We like to say love is all we need but in reality we will need to give and receive grace along with love to get through the challenges ahead.
Thank you again to my sister Kim, we love you.