I was texting with our contact at the orphanage a few days ago. She was sending me pictures of our girl that they have hanging on the walls there. I felt like over the past weeks I had communicated enough with her that she would answer some hard questions about Wei Wei. I typed the questions several different ways and deleted it several times also. Not because I didn’t like the question but if I am honest I was scare of the answers I may receive. I asked her about Wei’s disabilities. Does she see the ones listed on her file for Wei Wei as being accurate. Is she just behind in development because she is in an orphanage or are there real problems? Her file list several issues. We have been told about them from day one, read about them, prayed about them and have tried to prepare ourselves for worst case scenarios. We have been blessed with the ability to video chat her twice now with a translator but there is so much lost in the inability to speak and mostly understand what she is saying. We are hearing a translation of what Wei is saying, loosing all the content of how she says it and the words she uses. It has lured me into not thinking about her disabilities, almost forgetting about them. It was just more “real” hearing what we already knew confirmed through someone who interacts with her almost daily. It was hard to hear the words she used to describe my daughter. She was not being mean. She was just giving me honest answers to questions I was asking. I will admit, her answers scared me. Sin crept in for a moment, I thought about myself. Can we….can I handle this, but God is faithful in all things to those who know Him. He reminded me of the love He has not for only me but for Wei Wei. He brought to my mind all the things that led us up to deciding to adopt. He reminded me of why we were lead to adopt from China. He reminded me of what it was about Wei Wei that caught our hearts. I am thankful for the blessing God has given me to become Wei Wei’s father. I am reminded that growth happens in the valley not on the mountain top.